Czerwinski GmbH Tank Cleaning

Engellaustraße 16-18
44575 Castrop-Rauxel

Mon - Fri: 7:00 am untill 8:00 pm
Fri: 7:00 am until 7:00 pm

Phone: +49 (0) 2305 92354 18

Karte mit markierter Position

Privacy Policy

I. Name and address of the responsible party

The responsible party within the meaning of the general data protection regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:

Czerwinski GmbH

Engellaustraße 16-18

44575 Castrop-Rauxel

Phone.: +49 (0) 2305 / 92354-0



II. Name and address of the data protection officer

Due to the requirements, we are not obliged to appoint a data protection officer.

III. General information on data processing

1. Scope of the personal data processing

The term "personal data" refers to information associated with the name or personal identity of a private individual. Information assigned to a commercial company is not included.

You can visit our website without revealing any personal data other than that stated in point IV „Providing the website and creation of log files".

If you as a private individual contact us, e.g. on behalf of your employer, we only collect and use your personal data to the extent necessary to process our contracts, to process your request or to provide our services. Subsequently, we only process data with your consent. An exception applies in those cases in which prior consent cannot be obtained for real reasons or in which the processing of data is permitted by statutory provisions.

The term "personal data" refers to information associated with the name or personal identity of a private individual. Information assigned to a commercial company are not included..

2. Legal basis of data processing

To the extent that permission of the affected individual is obtained for the processing of personal data, Article 6 (1) lit. a of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serves as the legal basis.

In the processing of personal data to fulfil a contract whose contractual party is the individual affected, Article 6 (1) lit. b GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also applies to processing required to implement pre-contractual measures.

To the extent that the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which our company is subject, Article 6 (1) lit. c GDPR serves as the legal basis.

If processing is required to safeguard the justified interest of our company or a third party and the interests, basic rights and basic freedoms of the affected individual do not outweigh the first-mentioned interest, Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR serves as the basis for such processing.

3. Data deletion and storage duration

The affected individual's personal data will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage ceases to apply. Furthermore, data may be stored if this has been provided for by the European or national legislator in EU regulations, acts or other regulations to which our company is subject. The data will also be blocked or deleted if a storage period prescribed by the aforementioned standards expires, unless there is a need for further storage of the data for the conclusion or fulfilment of a contract.

IV. Provision of the website and creation of log files

1. Description and scope of data processing

Every time you visit our website, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the requesting computer.

The following data are collected:

(1) Referrer (previously visited website)
(2) Requested website or file
(3) Browser type and browser version
(4) Operating system used
(5) Device type used
(6) Date and time of access
(7) IP address in anonymous form (used only to determine the location of access)

These data are stored in the logfiles of our system. These data are not stored together with other personal data of the user.

2. Legal basis of data processing

The legal basis for the temporary saving of data and log files is Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.

3. Purpose of data processing

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable the website to be delivered to the user's computer. For this purpose, the IP address of the user must be stored for the duration of the session.

The data are stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data are used for statistical evaluation and optimization of the website (see point IX. Use of web statistics tools), as well as to ensure the security of our information technology systems.

An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context.

These purposes also justify our legitimate interest in data processing in accordance with Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.

4. Duration of storage

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

If data is collected in order to provide the website, this is the case when the respective session is over.

In the logfiles the data is stored anonymously for 8 weeks.

5. Possibility of objection and elimination

The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of data in logfiles is absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. Consequently, the user has no possibility of objection.

V. Contact by e-mail

1 Description and scope of data processing

We provide several e-mail addresses on our website which allow you to contact us by e-mail. If a user takes this possibility, the user's personal data transmitted by e-mail will be stored.

In this context, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data are used exclusively for processing the conversation.

2. Legal basis of data processing

The legal basis for the processing of data transmitted in the process of sending an e-mail is Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. If the e-mail contact serves to conclude a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) lit. b GDPR.

3. Purpose of data processing

The processing of personal data from the contact by e-mail serves only for the processing of the contact.

4. Duration of storage

The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. For the personal data sent by e-mail, this is the case when the conversation with the user is finished. The conversation is terminated when it can be inferred from the circumstances that the facts in question have been finally clarified.

5. Possibility of objection and elimination

The user has the possibility to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data at any time. If the user contacts us by e-mail, he can object to the storage of his personal data at any time. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued.

Please send your revocation of consent and your objection to the storage by email to or by letter to:

Czerwinski GmbH

Engellaustraße 16-18

44575 Castrop-Rauxel

In this case, all personal data stored in the course of contacting us will be deleted.

VI. Rights of the person concerned

You can visit our website without providing any personal data over and above the data specified in point IV "Provision of the website and creation of log files".

If you contact us as a private individual (e.g. as part of your professional activity for your employer) and your personal data are processed as a result, you are affected within the meaning of the GDPR. This gives you the following rights against the responsible party.

1. Right of access

You can request a confirmation from the responsible party as to whether personal data concerning you are processed by us.

If such processing has taken place, you can request the following information from the responsible party:

  1. the purposes for which the personal data are processed;
  2. the categories of personal data processed;
  3. the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been or are still being disclosed;
  4. the planned duration of the storage concerning your personal data or, if concrete information on this is not possible, criteria for the determination of the storage duration;
  5. the existence of a right to rectification or deletion of your personal data, a right to limitation of the processing by the controller or a right to object to such processing;
  6. the existence of a right to complain to a supervisory authority;
  7. any available information on the origin of the data if the personal data are not collected from the person concerned;
  8. the existence of automated decision making including profiling according to Article 22 (1 + 4) GDPR and - at least in these cases - meaningful information about the logic involved as well as the scope and the intended effects of such processing for the person concerned.

You have the right to request information as to whether the personal data concerning your person is transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. In this context, you may request to be informed of the appropriate guarantees according to Article 46 GDPR in connection with the transmission.

2. Right to rectification

You have the right of rectification and/or completion vis-à-vis the data controller if your processed personal data are incorrect or incomplete. The responsible party shall make the correction without delay.

3. Right to restriction of processing

Under the following conditions, you may request that the processing of your personal data be restricted:

  1. if you dispute the correctness of the personal data concerning your person for a period of time that enables the responsible party to check the correctness of the personal data;
  2. the processing is unlawful and you refuse to delete the personal data and instead request that the use of the personal data be restricted;
  3. the data controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you need them to assert, exercise or defend legal claims, or
  4. if you have filed an objection against the processing pursuant to Article 21 (1) GDPR and it is not yet clear whether the legitimate reasons of the party responsible outweigh your reasons.

If the processing of personal data concerning your person has been restricted, such data may only be processed - apart from being stored - with your consent or for the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending rights or protecting the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of an important public interest of the Union or of a Member State.

If processing has been restricted according to the requirements above, you will be informed by the party responsible before the restriction is revoked.

4. Right to erasure

a. Obligation to erase

You may request the responsible party to delete your personal data immediately and the responsible party is obliged to delete this data immediately if one of the following reasons applies:

  1. Your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
  2. You revoke your consent on which the processing was based pursuant to Article 6 (1) lit. a or Article 9 (2) lit. a GDPR, and there is no other legal basis for processing.
  3. You object to the processing pursuant to Article 21 (1) GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing, or you object to the processing pursuant to Article 21 (2) GDPR.
  4. The personal data concerning yout person have been processed unlawfully.
  5. The deletion of personal data concerning you is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation under Union law or the law of the Member States to which the responsible party is subject.
  6. The personal data concerning you have been collected in relation to information society services offered pursuant to Article 8 (1) GDPR.

b. Information to third parties

If the party responsible publishes your personal data and is obliged to delete them according to Article 17 (1) GDPR, the party responsible shall take appropriate measures, including technical measures, taking into account the available technology and the implementation costs, to inform those responsible for data processing that you as the data subject have requested the deletion of all links to this personal data or of copies or replications of this personal data.

c. Exceptiones

The right to erasure does not exist if the processing is necessary

  1. to exercise freedom of expression and information;
  2. for the performance of a legal obligation required for processing under the law of the Union or of the Member States to which the party responsible is subject, or for the performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority delegated to the party responsible;
  3. for reasons of public interest in the field of public health pursuant to Article 9 (2) lit. h and i and Article 9 (3) GDPR;
  4. for the archiving in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes pursuant to Article 89 (1) GDPR, insofar as the law referred to under a) is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the realisation of the objectives of the processing, or
  5. to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

5. Right to information

If you have claimed the right of rectification, cancellation or restriction of processing against the party responsible, he is obliged to inform all recipients to whom the personal data concerning you have been disclosed of this rectification or cancellation of the data or restriction of processing, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

You have the right vis-à-vis the party responsible to be informed of such recipients.

6. Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning your person that you have provided to the party responsible in a structured, common and machine-readable format. In addition, you have the right to pass this data on to another party responsible without hindrance by the party responsible to whom the personal data was provided, if

  1. processing is based on consent pursuant to Article 6 (1) lit. a GDPR or Article 9 (2) lit. a GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. B DSGVO and
  2. processing is carried out using automated methods.

In exercising this right, you also have the right to request that your personal data be transferred directly from one party responsible to another party responsible, insofar as this is technically feasible. The freedoms and rights of other persons must not be affected by this.

The right to data transfer shall not apply to the processing of personal data necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority conferred on the party responsible.

7. Right to objection

For reasons arising from your particular situation, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 6 (1) lit. e or f GDPR; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

The party responsible no longer processes your personal data, unless they can prove compelling reasons for such processing, which are worthy of protection and which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

If your personal data is processed for direct advertising purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for such advertising purposes, including profiling in so far as it relates to such direct advertising.

If you object to the processing for direct advertising purposes, your personal data will no longer be processed for these purposes. You have the possibility to exercise your right of objection in connection with the use of Information Society services, notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, by means of automated procedures using technical specification.

8. Right to revoke the declaration of consent under data protection law

You have the right to revoke your consent under data protection law at any time. The revocation of consent shall not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation.

9. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

You have the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automated processing (including profiling) that has legal effect against you or significantly affects you in a similar manner. This does not apply if the decision

  1. is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between you and the party responsible,
  2. is admissible by law of the Union or of the Member States to which the person responsible is subject and this law contains appropriate measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms as well as your legitimate interests; or
  3. is carried out with your express consent.

However, these decisions may not be based on special categories of personal data pursuant to Article 9 (1) GDPR, unless Article 9 (2) lit. a or g GDPR applies and appropriate measures have been taken to protect your rights and freedoms and your legitimate interests.

In the cases referred to in (1) and (3), the party responsible shall take reasonable measures to safeguard your rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, including at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the party responsible, to state his own position and to challenge the decision.

10. Right of appeal to a supervisory authority

Irrespective of other administrative or judicial remedies, you have the right of appeal to a supervisory authority, especially in the Member State where you are staying, working or suspected of infringing, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the GDPR.

The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and results of the complaint, including the possibility of a legal remedy under Article 78 GDPR.

VII. Use of cookies

Our website does not use cookies.

When you call up the map of Google Maps on our website, Google sets a cookie to store your IP address. The operator of this website has no influence on this. Before accessing this service, please read the information on the site "Localisation & Request" on our homepage as well as point VIII "Use of Google Maps" of this data protection statement.

VIII. Use of Google Maps

Our homepage uses the map service Google Maps via an API. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland („Google“).

You can call up the map of Google Maps via a link on the site "Localisation & Request" of our homepage. By doing so, you confirm your agreement with the following information, which you will also find on the page "Localisation & Request":

To use the features of Google Maps, Google collects your IP address. The IP address and possibly further information are usually transmitted by Google to a server in the USA and stored there. The provider of this site has no influence on this data transfer.

Using Google Maps makes it easier to find our company and thus represents a legal interest within the meaning of Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.

For more information about Google's data protection practices, please read Google's data privacy policy:

IX. Use of WebAnalytics

1. Description and scope of data processing

We use the analysis tool 1&1 WebAnalytics, a web analysis service of 1&1 Internet SE, Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur (hereinafter 1&1), which is activated by default by 1&1.

The following data are determined either by a pixel or by a log file and evaluated using statistical methods:

  1. referrer (previously visited website)
  2. requested website or file
  3. browser type and browser version
  4. operating system used
  5. device type used
  6. time of access
  7. IP address in anonymized form (used only to determine the location of access)

1&1 WebAnalytics does not use cookies to protect personal data.

1&1 does not store any personal data of visitors to our website so that no conclusions can be drawn about the individual visitors. No data will be passed on to third parties.

2. Legal basis of data processing

The legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR.

3. Purpose of data processing

The use of 1&1 WebAnalytics is used for statistical analysis and technical optimization of our website.

4. Duration of storage

In accordance with the guidelines of 1&1 Internet SE, the data of 1&1 Internet SE will be deleted after 9 weeks at the latest.

5. Possibility of objection and elimination

The collection of data for providing the website and the storage of data in log files are absolutely necessary for running the website. Consequently, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user.

X. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to adapt this privacy policy so that it always complies with current legal requirements or to implement changes to our services in the privacy policy. The new privacy policy will then be valid for your next visit.

XI. Competent supervisory authority of our company

Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit NordrheinWestfalen
Helga Block
Kavalleriestraße 2 - 4, 40213 Düsseldorf
Postfach 20 04 44, 40102 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 (0) 211 38424-0
Fax: +49 (0) 211 38424-10